This is where it starts. In your mind. Moving towards the life you want involves mind management. The first step is observing yourself by writing down your thoughts and feelings. Knowing what’s going on inside of your head provides information about your experiences in the external world. I know this firsthand.
Don’t Fight for Your Suffering
I do this, do you? Right now, I find myself justifying my right to be unhappy. Whaaat? In one of his podcasts, the late, great Dr. Wayne Dyer said something like, (and I’m paraphrasing): “Don’t fight for your suffering.”
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Do You Want to Change Your Life?
Do you know what you want? This is a big question I know, and requires serious consideration. But I ask this question because it is at the heart of making changes in your life. This was the question I had to answer for myself.
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Feeling Confident Takes Courage
When do you feel most confident? Think about it. I bet you feel most confident when you’ve familiar with something. When you’ve done it many times. The things you feel confident doing, you’ve been doing for years.
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Taking Responsibility For Yourself
Are you feeling defensive? Do you feel defensive and angry all the time? Do you wish people behaved differently? Do you complain and blame others for ruining your day?
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Feeling Gratitude
Be grateful, feel abundance Be grateful for the abundance in your life and for the the world you’re creating for yourself. Be thankful for art, design, knowledge, wisdom, kindness, people, places, animals, the things that inspire you. The world of what you value.
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Watching Workaholism
We all want to work less, right? We often complain about the amount of work we need to do. And the shortage of time we have to do it. And we never have enough time for ourselves. Is it true? Yes and no. And here’s why. What work is necessary and what is self-imposed?
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Pursuing Your Dreams
Dream big! Having big dreams is worth it. But here is something to be aware of: Pursuing big dreams will put you in a state of discomfort. Be prepared for your “primitive brain†to talk you out of it, to sabotage, to try to buffer, and throw everything else at you.
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Learning to Observe Yourself
Know thyself Getting to know yourself is the most important goal in your life. You can live your best life when you know yourself better, and to know yourself, you need to observe yourself. What are you thinking? What are you feeling?